1) The association shall be called "BUNTS SANGHA BANGALORE" (here in after referred to as the Sangha).

2)The registered office shall be situated at Bangalore at the following address:-

No.324,Bunts Sangha Complex,
Vijayanagar, Chord road, Bangalore-560 040

3)The objectives of the association are:-

i) To undertake any activity such as medical, social, educational  cultural and spiritual to create an environment and conditions conducive to physical well being,moral advancement and mental peace enabling the development of whole personality of members and general public.

ii) To establish and run educational institutions, hospitals, health
centers and other Institutions of similar nature or  general Public

iii)To sponsor, start and run institutions for promoting Sports and games and other recreational activities for the physical and moral well being.

iv) To provide for instructions and diffusion of knowledge amongst the members of public,the families, member, their dependents and employees.

v) To provide a common place for meeting of the members of the Association and General Public for purposes of recreation, discussion of common problems, encouragemebt of thrift,advancement of social welfare ideas, mutual assistance, protection of interests of the members etc.

vi) To provide for medical assistance and other relief measures to the poor and needy members of the public.

vii) To sponsor, support and perform works of charity and to disseminate useful educational,literary, commercial and social knowledge.

viii) To run and maintain Libraries.

ix) To run Hostels, especially for Students and working women and to start institutions for the welfare of Women, Children Aged and disabled.

x) To provide financial assistance to the poor and deserving students.

xi) To develop mutual friendship among the members.

xii) To provide occasions for the members to meet together periodically at the functions arranged by Sangha.

xiii) To promote and encourage co-operative movements and in that connection assist in formation of Consumer Socities, Housing Socities, Credit Societies, etc.

xiv) To enter into any agreement, contract or partnership with any Goverment, Authority or Person whomsoever and to obtain from any Government Authority or person such rights, concessions and privileges to the Association as it may think desirable and to obtain, carry out, exercise and comply with any arrangement, contract, Privilege, Right or concession.

xv) To co-operate, join or participate or associate with other societies, institutions and organisations in the pursuit of all or any of the above objects or objects similar or akin to any of the objects of the Sangha.

xvi) Without prejudice to the generality of the above and for the effetive carrying out of the objects, the Sangha shall have power :-

a)To acquire, purchase, get on lease, lease, receive and hold property of any kind including securities and negotiable instruments.

b) To Construct and maintain buildings, including the right to alter or improve them and to equip them suitably.

c) To manage, hold on lease, take on lease, hire, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of or deal with property of any kind belonging to the Sangha.

d) To enter into contracts for and in connection with any of the purpose of the Sangha.

e) To borrow only from Nationalised Banks or such other government controlled or managed Institutions or raise monies and funds in such manner as may be deemed fit for and on behalf of the Sangha and offer as security movable or immovable properties of the Sangha in connection there with.

f) To declare Trust and establish a Provident fund or other funds for the benefit of the employees of the Sangha.

g) To accept the management of any Trust, fund or endowment in which the Sangha may be interested.

h) To invest any funds of the Sangha not immediately required.

xvii) To do all such things and to perform all such acts that may be necessary or proper for the achievement of any or all of the above objects.

4. The management of the affairs of the Sangha is entrusted in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Sangha to the Executive Committee.

5. The income and property of the Sangha howsoever derived, shall be applied solely and exclusively towards furtherance of the objects of the Sangha as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or applied or transferred directly or indirectly by way of Profits, Dividends, Bonus or otherwise to the members of the Sangha.However, any payment or remuneration to any officers or servants of the Sangha or to members of the Shangha or other persons in return for specific services rendered to the Sangha shall not be construed as prohibited under this Clause.

6. Any surplus of assets remaining after meeting all obligations and charges of the Sangha at any time of winding up, shall be transferred to one or more organisations having objects similar to this Sangha either in full or in part.

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