

Jarandaya {pronounced as jaarandaya} is a raajan daiva or royal spirit patronized by the feudatory chiefs and worshipped by the entire population of the region. It is a saatvik spirit needing no animal sacrifice. As per one narrative legend Jarandaya came from the south riding on a white horse holding a white umbrella. He wanted to cross the ferry in order to reach kulur and mulky. The ferry man refused since the boat did not belong to him. But he was compelled to row the boat. In mid-stream the boatman was killed. The astrologers were consulted and it was found that a new spirit had arrived. To appease the spirit a shrine was constructed and ritual Offerings were made. In the ancient shrine of Katipalla a cart with the statue  of a white horse is found.  During the annual festival known as bandi the impersonator sits on the cart along with the mask of the spirit.    As per the vow undertaken for the cure of children’s diseases the devotees hold the tray of their offerings and circumambulate the shrine facing the impersonator and moving back words.  Different folk games like tuute daara (torch-fight) , cendaata (game of balls) etc. are noticed during the ceremonies.

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