Kalkuda and his sister Kallurti are the spirits of the departed souls who met with a tragic death during the period of the Bhairarasu chieftains of karkala. They are ferocious spirits well feared and respected . Kalkuda was a famous sculptor who carved the great idol of Gommata at Karkala. But the Bhairarasu of karkala cut his one hand and one leg so that he should not carve a similar beautiful idol in another kingdom. In spite of this physical disadvantage Kalkuda carved out another statue at Venur with his crippled limbs. His sister could not tolerate this kind of injustice done to an artist and both of them wanted to take revenge on the king. After death they become spirits troubled the king in many ways. Ultimately a shrine was built at Uppinangadi. From their the spirits traveled in different directions and got shrines constructed indifferent places for them .

            Kalkuda and Kallurti  koola is celebrated with great pomp. One impersonator takes the role of Kalkuda and another that of his sister kallurti. The impersonator performs miracles like swallowing a portion of burning torch and then spitting it out . only black and white colors are used for facial make-up of the impersonator.

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