The name lakkesiri is the tulu version of the Sanskrit name rakteshwari . this spirit is considered as the incarnation of the goddess durga of hindu mythology who assumed a ferocious form to kill the demon rakthabija we have not come across any legend regarding the origin of this spirit . the available legends narrate the diffusion and tours of lakkesiri . balu senava , son of shanku narayana senava and deyyu madmal of manikalla kote rent to gokarna to immerse the bones of his deceased parents . while returning he passed through koteshwara temple where the annual festival was going on while receiving the prasada a voice was heard from  inside the shrine  stating ‘ I will follow u . Provide a place for me ‘. Thus lakkesiri left koteshwara and followed balu senava who constructed a shrine for the spirit in his village. From there lakkesiri traveled to different places.

Lakkesiri is worshipped  in a pillar shaped granite structure with a triangular summit containing a niche to keep lamp. No animal sacrificed is noticed  for lakkesiri excepting in a couple of places kundapur taluk. Pancakes, rice  and other preparations are offered. The impersonator dances with a square-shaped head-gear made of tender coconut leaves. However the ritual is not as elaborate as the  observe in the case of panjurli, jumadi or ulllalthi.


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