COCKFIGHT                                KAMBALA                    GAMES                               Home                  Back 



Basically  Bunts  are  Agriculturists,  so after  the crop is cut and before the other crop is sown   they   have   a   lot  of  free  time  for  other  activities.  For  example Cock Fight.

For this event men folk of the community gather at some place bringing their cocks for cock fighting. Normally game starts with bringing two cocks opposite to each other, with a sharp knife tied to the right leg to both of the cocks, and leave them to fight. These cocks are chosen according to the panchanga (Horoscope) i.e. which coloured cock can fight with which coloured cock,these cocks are identified with their mixed colours of the combination of red, yellow and black. During the fighting if one cock dies, escapes or loses then the defeated cock is given to the owner of the winner cock. If the cock has won for more than five times then the cock is felicitated with the name Bunta. Some times the Bunta cock is beautified with golden ornaments.During this fight the people bet on the cocks which range from hundred rupees to lakhs together.

KAMBALA                                                                                                        Top


   This is another activity conducted in Tulunadu for entertainment.

   The buffalo race which is held is known in Tuluva’s witness even today a great  concourse  of people,  most remarkable.

      Kambala in Tuluva is that which is held at Ondar in Kundapur Taluk and next most famous is Arasu Kambala at Padu-Panambur near Mulki. The essential idea underlying a Kambala is the thorough Ploughing of the Paddy fields once a year.Normally this Kambala takes place in a big paddy field in which the ground is ploughed and water is mixed with mud to make the sticky slag, so that buffaloes find it difficult to run. The buffaloes that are driven in the race are not generally used for agriculture purposes. They are carefully reared and on the day of the race brought to the field decorated with silver trappings, amidst great pomp. To each pair of the buffaloes let in the field tied a plank called "muttunapalayi". nearly four feet in length, in the centre of which a small circular piece of wood on which the man who drives the buffaloes takes its stand. This circular piece of plank has got a small hole bored in it, and as the animals careers, the water underneath rushes up to the sky in the shape of delightful fountain. The buffalo or pair of buffaloes, which while running is able to send the water to the highest level, that is marked by a plantain branch of leaves suspended above is declared to be the winner of the race. Betting also takes place during the race.

       In Arasu Kambala the following is the order of the buffaloes that are to come to the field. First those of Arasu or King, next those of Aikalabavadakalu , next those of simanturubavakullu, then pilliyottu parari, putrabava, Bilikunja guttu,Tarapadi guttu, Atturu guttu,Kolnad guttu, Koikadu guttu, and nearly forty other guttus of minor importance will follow this.

                                           GAMES                                                        Top

Palle Berries:-This type of game requires round and heavy stones, palle berries, kaninja berries, Kadenjekai berries, bundles of canes, small bell of bell-metal, Kengude etc.

Yettu:-   In this game normally flat stones and Cashew nuts are used. A small circle is described on the ground and Cashew nuts are put down by the boys, each putting down a certain number. The player strikes at the nuts from certain distance with a flat piece of stone. The player who succeeds in driving nuts out of the circle, wins the game. If the first player, fails to hit the nuts, the next boy strikes and if he hits, is allowed to strike till he fails in hitting one. Every player has the right in striking at the nuts, till he fails in hitting. So, only one strikes at them. When all are driven out and the circle is cleared, players put down the nuts again. The nuts which are placed inside the circle are called "pieci" and flat stones used are called "Palle".

Palli and Kutti:-                                                       Top

      This game is played with two wooden sticks, one about two or three feet long, another five inches in length, on which the smaller is hit with the bigger and winner is the one who is able to strike the smaller one to the greatest distance on the ground.

Boar hunting:-

      The boar hunting is a particular favourite found during the Ballala of Tuluva. Normally boar hunting is going to take place in the forest as yet never entered by a man for hunting. The hunting dogs and hunters are entering inside the forest, threw stones on the bushes and held dogs on the slips. The hunting of the wild boar or deer continued for long hours. In olden times, as soon as they found the boar, they set an arrow on the bow and charge it with a great force to kill the boar. Now-a-days, country made pistols are used.

Sports  like   Ajakayi  -   Dorpuni,   Tappangayi,   the  Ambodi   Jatra,   Tute -  Dara,   Cendu   and   bonte.

Ajakayi - Derpuni,  Tappangayi:-                                             Top

        It is the contest between two persons who holds coconuts in their palms at a distance of about twelve to fourteen inches and brings the fruits one against the other simultaneously. In this game the broken fruit is the property of the Victor.


      This is the game which is played in the open in form of a household. A Coconut shorn of its fibres and well smeared with oil is thrown into air, a scramble follows at a given signal among those present youngsters the youths of the locality are called and the strongest retains it in his hands as a sign of Victory.


      It is a universal game or a sort of football played during famous Jatra at Polali. It is held on the occasion of the car festival which takes place on the Meena Sankramana in the famous Rajarajeshwari Durga Parameswari Temple. The popular belief connects the play (Cendu) with the heads of daityas named Chanda and Munda.

Torch fight (Tute-dara):-                                                                                       Top

       It is the type of game which is seen in Bappandu Durga Parameswari Temple. Only two rival parties of Bappandu and Karnadu gather at night in the Temple and each parties consists of 70-80 people. They are stationed at a distance of 50 feet with torches of coconut leaves about 2 and 1/2 to 3 feet length. The Combatants who are expected to have a ceremonial bath, take 2-3 torches at their disposal. At a given signal, the men of the rival parties light a torch and give it to their leader. On a second signal being given, both parties throw the torch at each other. The game lasts for about 15 minutes and leaders of both parties end it. The significance of this game is unknown.

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